Saturday, October 28, 2017

Book Review: Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Book Cover
After an intense read of something that made me feel like I was back in college, picking this one next was a good respite for my mind.

My wonderful friend J picked up this book for me, and as soon as I got it, I couldn't wait to open it and take in its contents.  The story of this book was that when my friend bought it from Book Depository, it was supposed to arrive within three weeks.  Well, those three weeks passed.  No book.  So my friend emailed them saying she didn't get it.  They promptly send a replacement copy to compensate.

Surprise, surprise, the first copy arrived a few days later.  Now we will have an extra copy lying around once it arrives.  I do have some plans for that extra copy though...

But back to the review.  Author Ellen Notbohm, mother of an older son with ADHD and a younger son with ASD, is writing from the perspective of a parent with special needs children, a perspective I so appreciate.

So, what are the Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew?

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Book Review: Applied Behavior Analysis for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Book Cover
One week.

That was how long I took to read this book.  I'm a fairly fast reader, and I can usually go through a book in a few days.

This.  Oh boy.  This.

Let's get into this, shall we?

Friday, October 13, 2017

Book Review: The Loving Push

Book Cover

Just yesterday, my sister and I were discussing about how a lot of people were making claims about curing autism.  We both agreed that autism is not something to be cured, but that it's something that needs to be managed and accepted.

And because of that conversation, my mind went back to Temple Grandin, when she said that the "world needs all kinds of minds".

So here it is, the second book my brother got for me.  It's also, thus far, the last book I have to read (though I do have another one on the way, it just hasn't arrived yet).

And how was this book?

Two words.  Inspiring.  Practical.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Some Self-Introspection Here

And because I mentioned it in my latest book review, here are my thoughts as I dived into my memories.

One of the big questions I had been asked since R's diagnosis, and the subsequent light bulb moment people have when they realize that, yes, I also exhibited the same behaviors as a kid, was "How did you get over it?"

I usually answered with, "I have absolutely no clue."

Now, I can say it's because I had people around me who accepted my idiosyncrasies, my quirks. When R was newly diagnosed, my husband told my mother-in-law that it's turning out that I might also be on the spectrum. Her reaction was pretty much, "Well, that explains her odd behavior in high school. But she turned out really well."

And I have these people to thank.

Book Review: The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up

Book cover
After an information-heavy book by Temple Grandin, I thought it might be a good idea to give my mind a little break and get back to a book that I started a few months back, but didn't finish.

And well, I'm glad I went back to this book.

As I was browsing for material to read on SPD, since this book was purchased before R's ASD diagnosis, I looked up on Carol Stock Kranowitz, author of the highly-recommended The Out-of-Sync Child.  It also bears mention that she's also the author of The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun, the companion activity book of the first-mentioned publication.  I also highly recommend that one, as it holds plenty of practical tips and activities for your SPD child.

But imagine my surprise when I found out that she also wrote a book called The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up (emphasis mine).  Grows up.  At first I wondered if I should get it, considering that R is only in pre-school at the moment, and that maybe I don't need to read it yet as I do have a few more years before he hits adolescence.

Ah whatever, I thought.  Might as well get it.  No harm in looking ahead a bit and be prepared.

Little did I know, that I was reading it more for me than for R.

So let's get into it, shall we?

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Book Review: The Autistic Brain

Book Cover
When I told my family that R was officially diagnosed with autism, my father went into research mode.  He knew I had already bought some books from MIBF 2017, but he then absolutely insisted I look up on Temple Grandin.

A few days later, my brother, who is currently studying overseas, called me over Facebook Messenger and asked how we were taking the diagnosis.  And, I guess in his way to try to cheer me up and make me laugh, we took this little quiz together.

The quiz is called the Autism and Asperger Quiz, or AQ for short.  As summarized on the page, this is a "screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an autism spectrum disorder (including Asperger's disorder). This screening quiz is not designed to make a diagnosis or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation. Please take the time to fill out the below form as accurately, honestly and completely as possible. All of your responses are confidential" (emphasis mine).

A list of 50 questions, people who are on the spectrum tend to score 32 and higher, while people not in the spectrum tend to score 31 and below.

My brother scored 29.

I scored 33.

After laughing about it between us siblings a bit, my brother then asked me if I wanted to order some books on autism since books where he currently is are cheaper.  He also happened to have an account with Book Depository (Yes, I finally got an account for myself, was that impressed with them!) and so we went hunting for books by Temple Grandin.

So when my cousin, who had been visiting my brother, came back home, he had with him the two books my brother ordered in my behalf.  I decided to read this one first, as I wanted to first know more about the brain on the spectrum before I could even think about tackling the other one.

But first, a little biography on the authors.

Quotes I Like